Uppercase magazine is a quarterly craft, fashion, illustration, and design journal published by Janine Vangool in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Please make sure that your submission is suitable for UPPERCASE magazine. Be familiar with the magazine and its writing and visual style.
Please do not submit the same idea multiple times. Please do not email about the status of your submission; you will be contacted if your work is suitable for publication. UPPERCASE is quarterly and sometimes we’re planning issues nearly a year in advance.
Submission guidelines: https://tally.so/r/3qRvv7
Please follow the specific instructions in the submission forms.
When submitting images, please do not have any watermarks on them. Do not submit photo collages—each image should be separate.
Pitch forms: https://uppercasemag.notion.site/UPPERCASE-Submissions-434fa3c6ff5945fd8b1f7134eaf20aa6